As your trillions of new connections continually form and re-form, the distinctive pattern means that no one like you has ever existed, or will ever exist again. The experience of your conscious awareness, right now, is unique to you. And because the physical stuff is constantly changing, we are too. We’re not fixed. From cradle to grave, we are works in progress. David Eagleman
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Learn to deal with the fact that you are not a perfect person but you are a person that deserves respect and honesty. - Pandora Poikilos

  2. My brain tells me it will be better to just let him go. My heart... not so much. - Simone Elkeles

  3. Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind. - Jeffrey Eugenides

  4. This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. - Dalai Lama Xiv

  5. Rabbit's clever, " said Pooh thoughtfully." Yes, " said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."" And he has Brain.""Yes, " said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."There was a long silence." I suppose, " said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything. - A.a. Milne

More Quotes By David Eagleman
  1. There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time.

  2. It is only through us that God lives. When we abandon him, he dies.

  3. Among all the creatures of creation, the gods favor us: We are the only ones who can empathize with their problems.

  4. Since we live in the heads of those who remember us, we lose control of our lives and become who they want us to be.

  5. All creation necessarily ends in this: Creators, powerless, fleeing from the things they have wrought.

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